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Saving Your Business is Our Business

Jamestown, Kentucky City Hall Fire
Date: March 5, 1990

On March 5, 1990, the Jamestown, Kentucky City Hall was destroyed in an electrical fire.

Our City had purchased Schwab fire proof files and vaults in 1989 from a local dealer. We were pleased and amazed at the condition of our records when they were removed. This came as an unexpected, pleasant surprise at a time when our entire City was at a loss.

I am very impressed that these safes held up under such intense heat. I would highly recommend any business owner to purchase this safe to protect their business records.

- H.K. Popplewell, DMD, May, City of Jamestown, Kentucky

Jamestown City Hall Fire Jamestown Kentucky

Manfred Purtzki Accounting Firm Fire
Date: Unknown

Now that the fire which destroyed my office is many months behind me, I realize even more now than at the time how much I owe to my Schwab filing cabinet. I kept all my client files and my computer disks in my fireproof cabinet which withstood the intense heat of the fire and even the fall to the cement floor of the basement level of the building. I was amazed that the paper files were intact but even more astonished to find that I was able to retrieve the data from the computer disks.

Other occupants of the building were not so fortunate. I have watched other firms struggle to reconstruct records and particularly the law firms which lost valuable legal documents. These firms will continue to be handicapped by this loss which has affected their client base built up over many years and will affect their earnings for many years in the future.

Disks and equipment can be insured and replaced easily, but the client information is the heart of my practice and I must say that the Schwab cabinet has proved that it is the best insurance I could possibly have against the loss of this information.

- Manfred Purtzki, Chartered Accountant

Manfred Purtzki Fire
Fire Protection Insurance

New York Bronze Company Fire
Date: February 11, 1991

Our building burned to the ground on 2/27/85. Our entire data files were stored in your safe. Although the temperature reached 4000 degrees, and the fire sustained for two days, our records were intact when the safe was opened.

Your product enabled us to quickly recover from a major loss and begin business as usual.

We are grateful to you, and for the excellence of your product.

- Richard Siegel, Credit Manager

New York Bronze New York Bronze Fire

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