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Contact: Ronald Lashbrook
Vice President Sales and Marketing
Schwab Corp.
(765) 447-9470

PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release


June 14, 2004... (Lafayette, Indiana) Schwab Corp., an Indiana Company, is proud to unveil two new additions to its fire-resistant product line, the Side Tab Filing™ cabinet and the DataFORTRESS™ media vault.

Schwab’s Side Tab Filing™ cabinet is the only fire-resistant side tab file on the market. The side tab unit door swings up and out of the way for easy access to files, or lowers and locks for secure storage. This H.I.P.A.A.- compliant product holds both letter and legal size side tab files and is offered in a variety of configurations with optional accessories available.

The DataFORTRESS™ is a vault for housing back-up systems on site. The system is H.I.P.A.A.-compliant and carries the UL 72 Fire & Impact Resistance rating. The patented design allows complete protection of tape or disk drives, and is built with an installed system or can be tailored with all necessary cabling to house the consumer’s existing system.

Schwab Corp. was founded in 1872 in Lafayette, Indiana and continues to be a leader in the field of vital record and valuables storage, providing protection against fire and water damage. The Company’s headquarters are in Lafayette, Indiana with its manufacturing plant in Cannelton, Indiana.

Contact Schwab Corp. [email protected]
Phone: (800) 447-7233
Hours: Monday through Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

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